Посета на “Порака Нова” од Струга

Visit to "Poraka Nova" from Struga

In the premises of the Association Dobrotoljubie2014, we were visited by PORAKA NOVA from Struga, with whom we had an Easter workshop together. People from different generations came together in one place, there was friendship, creativity, joy, laughter, song and all that was indescribable and it was ...
Работилница со Сезер Органик фарм

Workshop with Sezer's Organic Farm

I have conducted many studies on various topics. As a scout leader, I have trained thousands of scouts. As a hiking and camping instructor, there is no mountain or ridge in Turkey that I have not climbed. As a lover of ornithology, which I left halfway, ...
Работилница со Охридски Бисер со Михајло Филев

Ohrid Pearls workshop with Mihalo Filev

Здружението Добротољубие 2014 имаше работилница со Охридски Бисер со Михалјо Филев кој несебично ни помогна околу реализација на оваа...